Sunday, February 28, 2010

SEO Tips : NO-8.( Optimize Internal Links)

You must try to Optimize Internal Links.
Link each page from other pages in
your blog or website and do this as often as possible as search engines
gives special importance
to these internal links. More the number of internal links a page receives from
the other pages more is its importance in the eyes of search engines.
Use relevant anchor text that is your keywords relevant to
the page to which you are linking in the anchor text
when doing internal linking.
You may also consider using the Title Tag which tells something more to
the search engines about the page to which you are linking.
Also as much as possible make the surrounding text of the link relevant to
the page to which you are linking as
this gives greater relevance to the page to which
you are linking because Google attaches more relevance
to links coming from relevant pages and for doing so
it considers the surrounding text.
Of course it is not always possible to follow
these rules strictly but so just try to do as much as possible.